Thursday, December 24, 2009

Unsure how I'm coding wrong...?

I'm trying to take the number the user entered and keep adding it to the total then display the final total

extern void main()


//Ask user how many numbers they have to input

int iNum = 0;

cout%26lt;%26lt;';Enter how many numbers you have to enter: (or -1 to quit)';%26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin%26gt;%26gt; iNum;

int iTotal;

for ( int x = 1; x %26lt;= iNum; x++ )


cout %26lt;%26lt; ';Enter Number: ';%26lt;%26lt;endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; iTotal;

int iGrandTotal;

iGrandTotal += iTotal;


cout %26lt;%26lt; ';Total is: '; %26lt;%26lt; iTotal %26lt;%26lt; endl;Unsure how I'm coding wrong...?
extern void main()


int iNum = 0;

int iInputNum;

int iGrandTotal;

//Ask user how many numbers they have to input

cout%26lt;%26lt;';Enter how many numbers you have to enter: (or -1 to quit)';%26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin%26gt;%26gt; iNum;

for ( int x = 1; x %26lt;= iNum; x++ )


cout %26lt;%26lt; ';Enter Number: ';%26lt;%26lt;endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; iInputNum;

iGrandTotal += iInputNum;


cout %26lt;%26lt; ';Total is: '; %26lt;%26lt; iGrandTotal %26lt;%26lt; endl;

}Unsure how I'm coding wrong...?
us this your vars are all mixed up:

extern void main()


//Ask user how many numbers they have to input

int iNum = 0;

cout%26lt;%26lt;';Enter how many numbers you have to enter: (or -1 to quit)';%26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin%26gt;%26gt; iNum;

int iTotal;

int iGrandTotal;

for ( int x = 1; x %26lt;= iNum; x++ )


cout %26lt;%26lt; ';Enter Number: ';%26lt;%26lt;endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; iTotal;

iGrandTotal += iTotal;


cout %26lt;%26lt; ';Total is: '; %26lt;%26lt; iGrandTotal %26lt;%26lt; endl;

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